Login & Register




  • Ionut Sebastian Rosu

    Hi there.

    I want to say that the theme is great, nothing to say about it. But I have an issue and I have no idea how to sort it out... If some one is trying to reset the password the link for resetting the password is not going to the user email, and I don't know how to check the settings or what to do about it. thanks and regards

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  • Ejahid14

    Have you checked on spam folder ? 

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  • Ionut Sebastian Rosu

    I have checked ...are not going there.

    But I sort it out....the solution is to set up  WP SMTP plug in , and after are no issues.

    Thanks for reply anyway  ;)

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  • nacer boukessessa

    Hi , the theme is good , i just have a little problem and it's about an after successeful registration the user  will not be redirected to his profile page he need to login and then get redirected to his profile page , is there any solution for the users to get redirect to the profile page immediatly after his successeful register .


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  • Giorgi

    Hi is it possible to add more fields in the registration form? For example I need to add a text field there, where users will indicate their telegram number, which we need to add them in our telegram group. I also need to add check mark field there and some other fields also. Is it somehow possible to make this happen from wordpress admin?

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  • gouredje

    Salut,je tiens à dire que le thème est génial. Mais j'ai un soucis lorsque j'active l'enregistrement et l'inscription dans option du theme et que je vais dans wordpress pour permettre à tout le monde de s'inscrire et que j'enregistre la case ne se coche pas. Comment faire pour cocher la case.

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  • Bhavya Garg

    I have been using the Houzez theme since 25th September theme is working very well but I am unable to register from my mobile and many people aren't able to do it. For example, if someone wants to put his commercial or residential property on our website, he must register for that. But he is unable to register. I tried several times from my mobile also. I checked every setting but it is not working. I would need proper guidance or you coordinate me properly with me so that I can solve his problem.

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