To enable the login with Google access your admin panel and navigate to Theme Options > Login & Register > Allow login via Google. In this article, we will provide you step-by-step instructions on how to configure your Google APP and enable Google login on your website.
Step 1. You need to go to and create a new project for your website

Step 2. Then open Credentials section in your APP's dashboard and configure the OAuth consent screen and fill the form with your website's details

Step 3. Select External then click create:

Step 4. After click Create you have to add the information about the Web app.

Step 5. Now go to Domain Verification and add a domain by following the further steps.

Step 6. Then click the Credential >> Create Credentials >> then API key created:

Step 7. Copy that key and paste it to Theme Options >> Login & Register >> Google API key section.

Step 8. Then click the Create Credentials again and create the OAuth Client ID:

Step 9. Then add the Authorized redirect URI and Authorized JavaScript Origin domain. It will be your site profile page URL, Profile is the page which you create using User Dashboard Profile template :

Step 10. Then click create button then you will get the Your Client ID and Your Client Secret ID :

Step 11. Copy both and paste it to Theme Options >> Login Register >> Google OAuth Client ID and Google Client Secret fields.

If still find the issue then please do the below steps:
Click to edit the OAuth Clients ID

Add the Authorized JavaScript origins and Authorized redirect URIs then click the save button.

1 comment
the description for Google login is not that detailed in this explanation as those for Facebook, even thought the google one is more complex
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