Homey v2.4.3 – Released on 28 January 2025
Note: Clear cache and update all required plugins
[Fixed] The vulnerable function: homey_save_profile [Fixed] The vulnerable function: homey_register [Updated] Homey-login-register plugin to v2.4.3
Homey v2.4.2 – Released on 16 January 2025
Note: Clear cache and update all required plugins
[NEW] New option for search results page to show unit or dates price. [New] Show all or per page number pins on google map [New] 2 More options for city fee 1) Per Guest and 2) Daily * Per guest [Improved] Overall theme security [FIXED] _load_textdomain_just_in_time new requirement for wordpress 6.7.* for text domain homey [FIXED] too few parameters provided for stripe. [FIXED] Syntax correction in the ical export file. [FIXED] Pagination number in the dashboard messages page [FIXED] Status not representing about the email approved is fixed. [FIXED] By default Taiwan number to US number. [FIXED] Re-captcha issue for no ajax login form [FIXED] Review not showing on renter profile page [FIXED] Email parameters options for email content management. [FIXED] Expired status for the listings in the admin panel.
Homey v2.4.1 – Released on 27 November 2024
Note: Clear cache and update all required plugins
[New] New option for search results page to show unit or dates price. [Fixed] Stripe fatal error when updrage package [Fixed] _load_textdomain_just_in_time new requirement for wordpress 6.7.* for text domain homey
Homey v2.4.0 – Released on 20 November 2024
Note: Clear cache and update all required plugins
[New] Make possible for admin to create a booking (Reservation) of Listing from Wordpress admin panel. [New] Phone Number in register form, this can be disable from Homey Options Login & Register. [New] Different Welcome Mails after register HOST/RENTER [New] Delete Users which are not verified within 24 hours, this can be disable from homey options. [New] Protect Spam Users and deleting their record from database using keyword that contains in spam email registration. You can disable this from Homey Options. [New] The new labels in homey.pot language file. [New] Header slider turn Auto play on or off. [Fixed] Membership expiration date issue in wordpress admin panel. [Fixed] Listing type selected none. [Fixed] Splash page not opening in Page Editors. [Fixed] Fields builder form data is not not visible on the Experience information page. [Fixed] Experience and Listings reservation conflict. [Fixed] Translatable strings for Extra fields. [Fixed] Featured Listing payment from stripe issue fixed [Fixed] Experience search on mobile not works. [Fixed] On homepage slider listing sort featured first. [Fixed] Labels on membership plan detail page. [Fixed] After login redirection to page is fixed. [Fixed] Instant Hourly Experience booking does not save start or end hour when it requires login. [Updated] Experiences can be booked without being logged in just provide email address. [Updated] Woocommerce template pages are updated with latest files. [Updated] New profile fields added for social links. [Updated] In about section on able to show Custom Field Builder. [Updated] On search criteria, price should update like Airbnb, My Booking. [Updated] Status filter for reservation list page. [Updated] Homepage slider now auto plays the slides in every 5 seconds by default. [Updated] Homey Core plugin [Updated] Homey Login Register plugin [Updated] Homey Membership plugin [Updated] Homey WooCommerce addon plugin [Updated] Slider Revolution plugin [Updated] WP Bakery plugin
Homey v2.3.5 – Released on 23 March 2024
[New] PHP 8.3 compatibility [New] User login after profile activation options (Yes or no for login). [New] Enable/Disable user role selection change for one time in the profile page, that is especially for registered users via social platforms. [New] No ajax form for login issue when you want to use cache plugins that conflicts with the ajax functionality. [New] Click to approve for the experiences for pending experiences. [New] Weekend price new option is added Thursday, Friday and Saturday [New] Start of week day option for the calendar added in homey option general [Improved] Show the button for Add New Experiences if membership is also related for experience. [Improved] H2 converted to h1 for SEO purpose. [Fixed] Fields builder was not working on admin panel [Fixed] Email host for the Approval of experiences from Admin. [Fixed] User Role text was not translatable in the user profile. [Fixed] Membership purchased successfully translation text [Fixed] Icons was not showing for experience detail page of about section [Fixed] Amenities and Features when adding new experience was not working [Fixed] On membership host page the subscription details was not good. [Fixed] Custom field builder fields missing after theme update [Fixed] Google map autocomplete error [Fixed] 503 error on some listings fixed [Fixed] Experience host contact field for short code [Fixed] Same listings render on load more button click [Fixed] Same experiences render on load more button click [Fixed] Restore the deleted experience reservation function not found [Fixed] Review rating shows but with 0 reviews [Fixed] Additional guest price issue when additional guest are more then one. [Fixed] Service fee for experience was not working with percentage type [Fixed] Duplicated images on new listing [Fixed] Price not showing on compare page [Fixed] Verification id buttons not displayed [Fixed] Main search form check-in and check-out date can be selected invalid. [Fixed] in the demo while add/edit experience / separator not shown [Fixed] Reserve a period was not taking care of Booking mode [Fixed] If listing is featured show "It is featured" link in My listing page Action menu. [Fixed] Listing detail page video support for custom link with .mp4 file. [Fixed] review was not visible in the per hour mode. [Updated] Homey Core plugin [Updated] Homey Login Register plugin [Updated] Slider Revolution Plugin [Updated] WP Bakery Plugin
Homey v2.3.4 – Released on 20 June 2023
[New] On profile activation there will be a popup modal for information [New] Cancellation policy is added on the reservation detail page for more details [Improved] Nav menu styling [Improved] Membership plugin is now compatible with experiences [Fixed] HUF currency not show right using WooCommerce addon [Fixed] Featured Label color not applied [Fixed] Default text for GDPR on the registration module [Fixed] Email for Listing Approved variable printing as it when approved from the admin dashboard. [Fixed] Save as draft [Fixed] Cancellation policy shows HTML [Fixed] Terms and rules radio buttons fixed [Fixed] Admin user profile remove when admin update profile using frontend dashboard. [Fixed] Membership plugin limit check with Listings and experiences. [Fixed] in membership package detail page listings included and experiences included showing nothing instead of 0. [Fixed] In membership success page, experiences number not visible. [Fixed] Email view on small devices (Mobile, tablets) [Fixed] Mixed beds/bedrooms on listing detail page v5 [Fixed] Load more not works on taxonomy pages. [Fixed] Edit information experience does not store markup. [Fixed] Experience Description was missing [Fixed] Normal search result page not shows listings according to number of guests. [Fixed] Membership Purchased Successfully string was not translatable. [Updated] Homey Core plugin [Updated] Homey WooCommerce addon [Updated] Slider Revolution plugin [Updated] WP Bakery plugin
Homey v2.3.3 – Released on 16 May 2023
[New] Cancellation policy is added on the reservation detail page for more details [Improved] Nav menu styling [Fixed] Header Nav Boxed and Full Width issue on the home page. [Fixed] Cancellation policy properly displayed on instant booking steps. [Fixed] Contact Us icon was missing. [Fixed] Star Icon is missing on submitting the form [Fixed] Wrong icon for mobile header [Fixed] RTL CSS for header search [Fixed] RTL CSS for header search calendar position [Fixed] Email HTML render issue. [Fixed] When the price is 0, the currency sign does not show on the membership plans
Homey v2.3.2 – Released on 10 May 2023
[New] Refactoring RTL CSS code [Improved] Property layout v5 and v6 [Improved] Overall styling [Fixed] Contact Form Not Found [Fixed] Two Invoices when clicking on the "Mark as Paid" button [Fixed] In experience add/edit location find button not working is fixed. [Fixed] While updating experience in the front-end dashboard. "What will be provided" Remove existing items.
Homey v2.3.0 – Released on 5 May 2023
Note: Update all plugins, clear cache and CDN. If you have made changes in theme, first take backup.
[New] Demo https://demo13.gethomey.io/ [New] Demo Experiences https://demo14.gethomey.io/ [New] Demo https://demo15.gethomey.io/ [New] Experiences/Activities custom post type. [New] Added two new listing detail page layouts [New] New six experience detail page layouts [New] Experieces Elementor widget [New] Experieces carousel Elementor widget [New] Experience by ID Elementor widget [New] Experience by IDs Elementor widget [New] Taxonomiy Grid v2 Elementor widget [New] Taxonomiy Grid v2 Carousel Elementor widget [New] Page template to list experiences card view layout [New] Page template to list experiences list view layout [New] Page template to list experiences grid view layout [New] Experieces half map page [New] Experieces sticky map page [New] Experiences management dashboard [New] Listing system for experiences [New] New Address builder [New] Custom icons set [New] Three types of icons for list grid and card [New] New layout for review score [New] New Grid and List items versions for listings [New] Virtual Tour For listings [New] New Emails Management For Experience [New] Add to favorite experiences [New] Add to compare experiences [New] New Video experiences [Fixed] Listing carousel sort by random not working [Fixed] When paying for a Traditional Booking (not instant) using PayPal, the host's wallet adds 2 identical earnings. [Fixed] Calendar and image options after duplicating of property. [Fixed] Calendar cross button added. [Fixed] Reserve a period error of "You are not the owner of this listing".a [Fixed] Location map not working in the admin panel. [Fixed] View detail button for reservation in message detail [Fixed] Radius does not hide in the mobile search if the homey option is turned off. [Fixed] Transparent header [Fixed] Logo on mobile height issue. [Fixed] Message not sent using mobile. [Fixed] Extra options do not work on mobile. [Fixed] Translation -> You are already login, please clear the cache. [Fixed] When booking custom pricing and weekend pricing at the same time were not correct. [Fixed] Message string {guest_message} prints as it is. [Fixed] iCal issue fixed [Fixed] Delete icon for reservations booked dates and pending dates on the calendar tab [Fixed] Read More translation text issue [Fixed] Transparent header [Fixed] Carousel blog widget has an invalid HTML error. [Fixed] Removal of unwanted HTML text on the print page of the reservation [Fixed] Most of the undefined indexes were removed. [Fixed] Parent State, city auto-selected when editing [Improved] Action buttons for listings converted into a dropdown menu. [Improved] Stripe API-related issue [Improved] Account Menu and Sidebar Account [Improved] Cancellation policy textarea converted into select options [Updated] Homey Core plugin [Updated] Homey Login Register plugin [Updated] WP Bakery plugin [Updated] Slider Revolution plugin [Updated] Homey WooCommerce addon [Updated] Homey Membership plugin
Homey v2.0 – Released on 28 September 2021
[New] 2 new demos. https://demo11.gethomey.io and https://demo12.gethomey.io [New] Per Day booking mode option. [New] Membership plugin for homey. https://favethemes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407343697300 [New] horizontal or vertical search style for homey elementor search widget? [New] New header type Elementor https://tppr.me/j8ntx [Improved] Code with respect to performance. [Improved] Metabox conditions according to template selection. [Improved] Overall stylings [Improved] Increased search in select picker using data tokens for non-English languages. [Improved] On the new registrations email verify the link is sent. [Improved] Reservation tablet view. [Fixed] Availability label on listing detail page. [Fixed] invalid invoice link in Invoices menu using WordPress admin dashboard [Fixed] the Previous date selected in spite of cross cursor in the booking form [Fixed] Extra expense in upfront payment [Fixed] open street maps not works on the mobile version. [Fixed] banner vertical hourly radius was fixed [Fixed] on detail page additional guest text off when the guest hide is active. [Fixed] placehold.it is not secure anymore so converted to place-hold.it wth same results [Fixed] earning stat after booking on request. [Fixed] for listing detail page Yes and No label translation [Fixed] invoice generation on off-site payment [Fixed] on invoice print file name was being displayed [Fixed] mapbox js and css file included if mapbox map is not selected [Fixed] Open street map zoom value changeable [Fixed] Google maps lat long default fields assiged. [Fixed] on mobile reservation detail page Decline message box hidden [Fixed] on mobile reservation detail page Cancel message box hidden [Fixed] Admin email being sent to host [Fixed] labels about dates in admin reservation listing and front-end invoice listing. [Fixed] Testimonial carousel, columns setting not working, always display 4 columns - Elementor [Fixed] Open street map zoom value [Updated] Homey Core plugin [Updated] Homey Login Register plugin [Updated] Slider Revolution plugin [Updated] WP Bakery plugin
Homey v1.6.6 – Released on 06 May 2021
[New] Converted all demo import for elementor, you elementor demos can import. [New] Elementor Pro compatible for header, footer, 404, single post etc [Fixed] Custom period pricing issue for 1st date and last date [Fixed] v1.6.5 broke ICS format [Fixed] map is not clickable due to z-index [Fixed] Hourly booking form guest disable not working [Fixed] Booking Form overlay mobile version issue [Fixed] View cart button on the checkout page [Fixed] Listing title as product title in woocommerce cart [Fixed] extra discount not minus on reservation pending screen [Fixed] radius based search on the listing type page [Fixed] on the last step towards back validation got stuck on the current step. [Fixed] IOS 14 calendar issue on mobiles [Fixed] featured listing page error due to zero price [Fixed] without admin approval editing of listing [Fixed] payout request for guest/renter [Fixed] past day and booked day color in the calendar [Fixed] wrong reviews for host after ten ratings [Fixed] other host's listing on the page of the author after pressing load more button [Fixed] string added for translation "Horay! You received a new reservation. Confirm Availability." [Fixed] affiliate button on sidebar booking if contact form is selected and the listing has an affiliate link [Fixed] Booked Hours booked in between check-in and check-out hours. [Fixed] radius button does not hide on selecting show radius to No option. [Fixed] start our and end hour do not append on search results item [Improved] Overall CSS code [Improved] Overall RTL code [Update] New Reservation Sent email to renter [Update] sort button for messages [Update] notification red dot alert for new bookings on booking menu link [Updated] Homey Core Plugin [Updated] Resolution Slider plugin [Updated] WP Bakery Plugin (it can be find in plugins folder in download package)
Homey v1.6.5 – Released on 16 February 2021
[fixed] undefined variables for grids shortcode [fixed] New message notification to reciever instead of sender [fixed] Paypal malformed request error after homey update 1.6.4 [fixed] Read More translation issue in homey-core plugin resolved [fixed] listing slider widget error not showing listings [fixed] listing card slider widget undefined index errors in WordPress admin dashboard [fixed] video background image poster issue before playing video [fixed] labeling issues, for night or nights according to booking number for reservation [fixed] slider gallery with arrows, zoom option, autoplay and thumbnail options [fixed] after woocommerce reservation payment renter not able to see reservation fixed [fixed] not able to add custom prices issue [fixed] new hourly reservation email notifiction to renter [fixed] 7d+ and 30+ prices calculation issue [fixed] date format dd.mm.yy incompaitable with search result page [fixed] calendar disappear on mobile automatically [fixed] show error messages on select box while add/edit listing page [fixed] user link on reservation detail page is fixed [fixed] default lattitude and longitude location [fixed] clear button for dates on home page clears the location [update] added woocommerce related webhook for instant hourly payment status changes [update] search by listing ID in frontend dashboard listing page [update] New Option in “What to display in the sidebar?” Contact Form To Guest and Booking To User option [updated] WP Bakery and Slider Revolution plugins [updated] Homey Core plugin [updated] Homey login register plugin
Homey v1.6.4 – Released on 12 December 2020
[Fixed] WordPress 5.6 compatibility issues [Fixed] File uploading issue [Fixed] Homey Options CSS issue [Fixed] Host document Verification email [Improved] CSS Styling [Updated] Slider Revolution plugin
Homey v1.6.3 – Released on 10 December 2020
[New] WordPress 5.6 Compatibility [updated] Email sending on add/edit listing to admin [Updated] Map listing information jumps with Mapbox map like google [Improved] Advanced Search Option [improved] Listing booking is improved by remembering booking details for not logged in users [Improved] Dates format now supports Czechia date format [Fixed] Swipebox conflict with WordPress 5.6 update [Fixed] WooCommerce email notification for Host [Fixed] Video autoplay not working on safari [Fixed] Image dimension validation check and error display while uploading [Fixed] Removal of Google Plus (g+) deprecated icon [Fixed] Email verification issue on the first login [Fixed] Add/ Editing Labeling issue [Fixed] Labels according to booking mode [Fixed] Wallet wrong calculation for monthly and weekly bookings [Fixed] text fill for price postfix while adding new listing [Fixed] Word Press default profile to the homey profile page link [Fixed] Google login, homey-login-register plugin update required. [Fixed] warning messages on "New Listing" [Fixed] publish listing before approval [Fixed] gallery close button toggles menu [Fixed] loading icon stuck after search results showed [Fixed] Currency separator and decimals issue [Fixed] validation error on leave blank booking fields [Note] Clear Cache after update
Homey v1.6.2 – Released on 26 August 2020
[Fixed] After price label in mobile [Fixed] Messages thread instant book [Fixed] echoed attribute on listing detail page [Fixed] Search filters checkbox active & inactive colors issues [Fixed] Search dropdown CSS alignment [Fixed] Problem with affiliate link and footer [Fixed] Some RTL CSS alignment [Fixed] Radius search problem after WP 5.5 [Fixed] Price displays as free on listing detail page when booking mode per week or per month [Improved] Validation error on editing draft listing [Improved] Open Streep Map auto-complete styling [Fixed] email verification
Homey v1.6.1 – Released on 15 August 2020
[New] Compatible with WordPress 5.5 [Fixed] Mobile menu dashboard links [Fixed] Messages thread not create with instant booking [Improved] RTL CSS [Improved] Listing card layout spacing and title color
Homey v1.6.0 – Released on 12 August 2020
[New] WooCommerce Payment gateways (Guide http://help.gethomey.io/booking/how-to-use-woocommerce-payment-gateways/) [New] Open Street Map [New] MapBox [New] Option to add an external affiliate booking link for listing. [New] Monthly booking option [New] Weekly booking option [New] Ability to Nightly, Weekly, Monthly and Hourly listings in 1 website. [New] Added a filter for listings templates to show Monthly, Weekly, Hourly, Nighty Listings on specific page. [New] Added filter for WP Bakery and Elementor listings widgets to show listing by weekly, monthly, hourly, nightly. [New] Auto show search according to listing types, for example if page ABC show hourly listings then search on that page will be also hourly, if page XYZ show Nightly, weekly listings that search on that page will also be nightly, weekly etc. [New] Banner vertical search radius option [New] Additional guests in search [Fixed] No tax calculation for guests over capacity [Fixed] Duplicate listings being created when click multi times on submit button [Fixed] Reservation detail empty price [Fixed] Stripe [Fixed] PHP 7.4 issues [Fixed] Extra expenses not working for hourly booking [Fixed] Discount not working for hourly booking [Fixed] Dashboard Favorite Mobile translation issue [Fixed] Click more options not working on mobile search. [Fixed] Property detail popup RTL issue [Fixed] Messages notification [Improved] Radius dropdown for searches [Updated] Homey Core plugin [Updated] WP Bakery plugin [Updated] Slider Revolution plugin
Homey v1.5.3 – Released on 5 June 2020
[Fixed] Security issues related messages. [Fixed] Security issues related Listings access [Fixed] Security issues related reservation access [Fixed] Security issues related payouts [Fixed] Hourly booking show wrong title on compare page [Fixed] Listing detail page map not work when add listing from frontend [Fixed] Details word is hardcoded in wallet [Fixed] GDPR agreement not selectable in mobile. [Fixed] invoice translation issue on mobile [Fixed] Compare page showing the wrong price for hourly booking [Fixed] Add more button in the Extra services is not translatable. Homey text domain missing [Fixed] Spelling mistakes [Fixed] Problems inserting profile information from mobile phone [Fixed] Array warning on messages page [Fixed] Calculate booking cost on page load [Fixed] Translation [Improve] HTML, PHP code [Improved] Overall code quality [Updated] Homey Core plugin [Updated] Homey login register plugin [Updated] WP Bakery plugin [Updated] Revolution Slider plugin
Homey v1.5.2 – Released on 15 February 2020
[Fixed] Stripe upgrade to a featured listing [Fixed] Print listing shows different details [Fixed] Undesired pop up upon reservation [Added] Listing and Reservation ID for Stripe payments [Added] Login Popup for non-logged in users making an instant reservation [Updated] Google login API [Updated] Homey Core plugin [Updated] Homey login register plugin
Homey v1.5.1 – Released on 30 January 2020
[Fixed] Mobile menu CSS for tablets [Fixed] Radius search CSS on-page banner [Fixed] Invoices search result count for host [Fixed] Messaging Host with a host account BUG [Updated] Homey core plugin [Updated] bootstrap.min.css [Updated] main.min.css
Homey v1.5.0 – Released on 28 January 2020
[New] Stripe new API supported SCA [New] Radius Search https://tppr.me/xhBaW [New] Instant booking validation on same page. [New] Total earnings adjustment on booking cancellation [New] Live search for city, area [Fixed] Reviews pagination not show on listing detail page [Fixed] Listings Ratings count not work when add manually reviews from admin panel [Fixed] Profile verification not show right on print listing page [Fixed] Save as Draft 2 listings created [Fixed] Paying with PayPal does not change Calendar booking status from 'Pending' to 'Booked' [Fixed] Reservation translation not work on mobile [Fixed] Wallet show wrong calculations when discount or extra expenses applied [Fixed] Show/Hide map listing level settings not work [Fixed] Email notification for messages [Fixed] Bug with Photo upload process in process and click on set as featured [Fixed] Hourly booking on mobile [Fixed] Host cannot make reservation is hourly booking [Fixed] Extra Services not display when less then 2 [Fixed] Cancelled booking show mark as paid option [Fixed] All admin to delete custom period for host listing [Fixed] Another host can see the booked details of the other host. [Fixed] Manually added review from admin not calculate ratings [Fixed] Non-numeric value error for reservation [Fixed] Breadcrumb [Fixed] Bugs with Invoice filters [Fixed] Featured listings not expired [Fixed] punctuation and backslash for emails content [Fixed] Custom period prices labels translation [Update] WP Bakery Plugin [Updated] Homey Core plugin (required to update for stripe SCA)
Homey v1.4.2 – Released on 24 September 2019
[New] Off-site/Local payment [New] Allow host to book [New] Ability to delete property images if property is deleted by host in their frontend dashboard [New] Reviews available only AFTER guest check-in [Fixed] Total Earnings reset to zero after payout [Fixed] Deleting Listing from Host dashboard does NOT delete images from library [Fixed] 'Verified' Host when viewing as admin, and "Not Verified" for everyone else [Fixed] Missing translation strings [Fixed] Undefined index notice on search result page [Fixed] Admin can wrong username for new registered user [Fixed] When book reservation from month 1st date then 1st date become unavailable [Fixed] Loading more properties grid view [Fixed] Admin can't update other host listings calendar [Fixed] Guests validation for instance booking [Fixed] When booking start is on Monday, it show Monday as fully booked [Fixed] Review email template format [Fixed] Message Notification red dot not show on mobile nav [Fixed] Payment adjustment email has a punctuation issue - apostrophes have a backslash before them
Homey v1.4.1 – Released on August 27, 2019
[New] Option to disable Extra Services Prices [New] Reservation Mark as Paid option for host [New] Reservation ID's in PayPal and Stripe transactions [New] Reservation ID for invoices [New] Option for host to Delete reservation and make dates available again for booking [New] Option for host to Delete reserved periods and make dates available again for booking [Fixed] Blank spaces when editing Draft property [Fixed] Line break, formatting not work in textarea when add/edit property [Fixed] Listing page says Host Verified (even though they aren't) [Fixed] When date format is dd-mm-yy can't select the check-out date in the next month. [Fixed] Weekend Pricing doesn't show proper label [Fixed] Weekend Pricing doesn't show right price calculation [Fixed] Extra prices show when price ‘null’ [Fixed] Invoice print version was different then invoice [Fixed] Unable to login when on host profile page [Fixed] Select a listing type label not changeable from theme options [Fixed] Host total earnings problem after Manual Adjustment [Fixed] 'Payout Request Admin' Email Template Issue, always show wrong payout link [Fixed] Calendar booking issue ( reference ticket https://favethemes.ticksy.com/ticket/2113134)
Homey v.1.4.0 – Released on July 29, 2019
[New] Extra services prices for the booking form (https://demo01.gethomey.io/listing/beautiful-cove/) [New] Number of additional guests allowed the option [New] Save as draft listings on the frontend dashboard [New] Now admin can manage all listings from front-end dashboard https://tppr.me/1yyiV [New] Ability to add reviews for listings from admin panel [New] Option to select number of months to show for calendars https://tppr.me/miZ8M [New] Make host/guest profile verified based on email and document provided [New] All listings access for admin in front-end dashboard [New] Keyword search option for searches [New] Listings amenities and facilities filter options for pages [New] Add option to switch the time format from am/pm to the 24h time format? [New] Option for enabling/disable listing for admin and host [New] Host can see his pending listings and edit them too. [New] Default latitude and longitude option for maps https://tppr.me/YZMQn [New] Delete gallery images from media when listing delete [Fixed] Warning with an empty string [Fixed] Punctuation in Messages [Fixed] Listing rating does not delete when review deleted [Fixed] Map preloader position [Fixed] Minor CSS fixed and improvments
Homey v.1.3.2 – Released on July 12, 2019
[Fixed] Instance booking not saved when add listings from frontend dashboard [Fixed] User page (front end admin dashboard) accessible by guest [Fixed] Add Listing (front end host dashboard) accessible by guest [Fixed] iCal feeds import [Fixed] Overlapping issue on half map search [Fixed] Header map load NY city by default [Fixed] Maximum guests limit issue
Homey v. – Released on July 02, 2019
[Fixed] Front-end dashboard: Large empty space at top of page for Tabs = Features, Location, Bedrooms, Terms & rules, Calendar
Homey v.1.3.1 – Released on July 02, 2019
[New] Option to see guest profle for host [New] Added new date format dd-mm-yy [New] Option to disable wallet system [New] Date format for custom periods [Fixed] Half map search number of guest search no work [Fixed] Translation issue on dashboard listings in front-end [Fixed] View details while booking not working on iPhone [Fixed] Search show listings which set as unavailable [Fixed] Instance booking and gallery images not work when calendar disabled in hourly booking [Fixed] Instance booking PayPal issue [Fixed] Upload gallery images not work in Microsoft Edge [Fixed] Bug in Search results page: there are empty spaces between listings in the search results page [Fixed] Currency switcher stopped working in PHP 7.0 + [Updated] Homey Core plugin [Updated] Favethemes currency switcher plugin
Homey v.1.3.0 – Released on May. 31, 2019
[New] Wallet section: Allow your users registered as host to keep track of their earning history, withdraws and request payouts. [New] Admin Frontend Dashboard: Keep the control of everything is happening on your website. [New] Host Fee: Set up a fee for the host to pay to the website administrator when a reservation is paid. [New] Super host badge: Promote your hosts to automatically display a badge on their listing and on their profile. [New] ID verification: Let your Hosts and Guests to be verified with document ID upload. [New] Guest message on the booking form: The guest can introduce himself to the host while sending the reservation request. [New] Disable booked days: Manage the calendar even better with the new option to disable booked dates for the calendar. [New] Frontend guest profile: Each guest has a frontend profile page with all information and ratings. [New] Reset Password: New custom page to let users to easily reset their password. [New] Host and guest profile for admin: Get full control of the information provided by your registered users on the admin dashboard panel. [New] Booking form pre-filled fields: According to the user search, he will find the booking form pre-filled with his search criteria. [New] Marker drag & drop: Set the location of your listing with drag & drop functionality while adding a new listing on the frontend. [New] Cancel reservation option: The host can cancel a reservation and make dates available for further booking. [New] Admin messages section: The website administrator can read all messages shared between the host and guest. [New] Messages indicator: Every time you have a new or unread message and indication will display in the user menu. [New] Currency switcher: Now you can place a new currency switcher widget on the footer and on the sidebar. [New] Search options: Option to show search only for taxonomy pages. [New] Elementor search: display the banner search using a new custom widget for Elementor page builder. [New] Two ways reviews: After a completed reservation the host can review guest and guest can review host service. [Fixed] Total Cost calculate not show on mobile while booking [Fixed] Currency switcher not show on topbar right side [Fixed] Minor CSS improvements [Updated] WPBakery Visual Composer plugin [Updated] Slider Revolution plugin [Updated] Online documentation
Homey v.1.2.2 – Released on May. 6, 2019
[Fixed] iCal sync issues [Fixed] Print page content formatting [Fixed] Instance booking stopped working and show required fields error [Fixed] Request to book z-index issue on mobile without user loggedIn [Fixed] Pins dragable in frontend header map and half map [Fixed] Styling issues [Improved] Mobile and iPad CSS & HTML
Homey v. – Released on Apr. 23, 2019
[Improved] Mobile and iPad CSS & HTML
Homey v. – Released on Apr. 22, 2019
[New] Option to block host, renter, etc wp-admin access http://take.ms/mr1Ur [Fixed] half map listing disorder on bigger screens [Fixed] Request to book and instance booking stopped working on mobile [Fixed] 7 + nights discount was not working [Fixed] Taxonomy pages warning when no result found [Fixed] Location field open add new file window on entering when adding a property [Fixed] After Updating the Features, it has the Features tab highlighted, not the Info area below that. [Improved] Mobile and iPad CSS & HTML
Homey v.1.2.0 – Released on Apr. 19, 2019
[New] Hourly booking system [New] iCal synchronize [New] Option to change the date format for date picker and other site places http://take.ms/zwEJC [New] Allowed the host to make days unavailable and then available [New] When a listing doesn’t have any Amenities / Facilities checked -> front end section should be dynamically hidden [New] Delete booked/pending dates when reservation deleted from admin panel. [New] Manually mark listing as paid and book with email confirmation to host and renter. better for bank transfer [New] Listing address in the info window [New] Option to restrict google autocomplete for specific country http://take.ms/BhskW [New] Added additional guests fee for calculating services fee. [New] Auto open login/register while booking if user not logged in [New] Option to replace homey custom forms with contact form 7 and gravity form [New] After price label field for add listing [New] Option to hide host public contact details http://take.ms/vwCrU [New] Listing id in admin, front-end [New] After login redirect option [New] Match height script for grids [Fixed] Gallery upload images not work in iPhone [Fixed] Calendar not working on Android chrome [Fixed] Hide min and max stay is empty [Fixed] The calendar remains blocked out(pending) so no one can book the previously canceled dates. [Fixed] When ‘Featured First’ is selected only featured listings are displayed [Fixed] Disable video field not work [Fixed] Check-in, check-out validation issue when adding a listing [Fixed] Booking form does not show on iPad landscape [Fixed] Booking calendar next/prev on mobile [Fixed] Includes CSS fix and improvements
Homey v.1.1.1 – Released on Mar. 20, 2019
[New] Permalinks management from admin panel. Screenshot http://take.ms/bK9jb (Required to update homey-core plugin) [New] Country as one of the options for Location field. Screenshot http://take.ms/07t3F [New] Option to hide/change price /, Screenshot http://take.ms/342bs [new] Pagination for host listings on the host profile. [New] Option to hide pets, adults, children on searches. Screenshot http://take.ms/2qvz0 [New] Option to hide guests filed for the booking form. Screenshot http://take.ms/4dHnd [New] Enabled editor for custom text area field. Screenshot http://take.ms/8Z59k [Fixed] Booking form does not show on iPad. [Fixed] All Custom fields do not display in the back-end. [Fixed] GDPR does not show on becoming host page. [Fixed] Display wrong content on the print page. [Fixed] Search under banner not show for the transparent header. [Fixed] Google Autocomplete address does not update for preview for add/edit listing. [Fixed] When uploading photos and if decide to delete all photos and then add all the same photos again, duplicate error come.
Homey v.1.1.0 – Released on Mar. 11, 2019
[New] Elementor page builder, now all homey widgets are available for Elementor plugin [New] Option to add state, city, area for the location search field. Screenshot http://take.ms/TCTSa [New] Option to show Booking Form or Contact form on the listing level, now it can be select different for each listing. Screenshot http://take.ms/DFBNJ [New] Dynamic icons option for the list, grid and card view. [New] Header 4 for the splash page [New] Hide search calendar when clicking on any part of the page outside the calendar. [New] Homey CSV/XML importer add-on [Fixed] There were some issues on mobile, Once you click on the photo at the room detail page, it does not close once you click on ‘X’ And it stuck there.
Homey v.1.0.0 – Released on Feb. 27, 2019
Initial release
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