Pages are the backbone of your website, and most likely you will set up several of them. There are different page templates to choose from, each serving a purpose to help you build a finished site. You can create any number of pages with content. Homey includes several page templates to choose from, and you will need to choose the page template that suits your needs. All of this is done in the Pages section of your WordPress admin.
How to create a new page
In your left sidebar navigate to Pages > Add New to create a new page. The Pages section in your admin panel is provided with the following areas displayed in the image below.
1. Page title
Enter Title Here: Add a title name for your page, then find the Page Attributes box on right side.
2. Select page template
Locate the Page Attributes box in your right sidebar
- Parent: Set your Parent page. It’s usually set to No Parent.
- Template: Select the page template from the Template dropdown list. To create a custom page select > Page Template if you wish to use WPBakery Visual Composer to design your page select > Visual Composer
3. Use WPBakery Visual Composer
Locate the Backend Editor button just below the page title. Click on backend editor button if you wish to customize your page with WPBakery Visual Composer.
4. Use Elementor
Locate the Elementor Editor button just below the page title. Click on Elementor Editor button if you wish to customize your page with Elementor.
5. Page content
Locate the Content Editor in your page. This box is available if you don’t use WPBakery Visual Composer. In this box, you can add page content like text, images, etc…
6. Page header options
Homey allows you to choose from six different Page Headers. Each Page Header has been developed for specific needs. For example, if I want a page with a map of properties, I would choose Google Map with Listings. The section below will describe all of their options and functionalities.
Locate the Page Header Options in your page and select one of the following options:
- Image
- Half Search
- Video
- Property Slider
- Slider Revolution
- Google Maps With Listings
7. Page sidebar
Locate the Page Sidebar box on the right sidebar of your page. Use these options if you need to display a specific sidebar on your page.
A sidebar in WordPress is referred to a widget-ready area used by WordPress themes to display information that is not a part of the main content. You can set up if you want to display the sidebar on your page, in which position (left or right) and which sidebar (we suggest by default to select the Page Sidebar).
- Show Sidebar? Yes/no
- Sidebar Position: left or right
- Select Sidebar: Select the sidebar you want to display with the page from the list
8. Publish
Use this box to manage publishing page options.
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