In Houzez the information about the location of the property is hierarchically organized like this: Country > States > City > Area.
This information is necessary if you want to publish your properties from the backend and if the administrator doesn’t want that users add their own city, Neighborhood, etc. and only want them to use pre-defined information.
For a proper workflow of building your website, we suggest you to start creating the County/States while all countries have already in the system.
How to add a Country
Navigate to Real Estate >> Country in your left sidebar.
- Name: insert the name for your property Country like “Florida” for example.
- Slug: insert the slug for your property country (optional)
- Parent Category: Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band.
- Description: The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.
- Image: Upload an image that represents this Country
- Custom Link: Enter custom link for this Country
- Click on Add New Property Country
How to add a States
Navigate to Real Estate >> States in your left sidebar.
- Name: insert the name for your property Country/State like “Florida” for example.
- Slug: insert the slug for your property country/state (optional)
- Parent Category: Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band.
- Description: The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.
- Which country has this state? Select the country for this State. You will select the United States if your property State is Florida
- Image: Upload an image that represents this Country/State
- Custom Link: Enter custom link for this Country/State
- Click on Add New Property State
How to add a City
Once you added all the Country/State related to your properties it’s time to add Cities.
Navigate to Real Estate >> City in your left sidebar.
- Name: insert the name for your property city like “Miami” for example.
- Slug: insert the slug for your property city (optional)
- Parent Category: Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band.
- Description: The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.
- Which state has this city? Select the state for this city. You will select California if your property City is Los Angeles
- Image: Upload an image that represents this city
- Custom Link: Enter custom link for this City
- Click on Add New City
How to add an Area
Once you added all the Cities related to your properties it’s time to add Areas.
Navigate to Real Estate >> Area in your left sidebar.
- Name: insert the name for your property city like “Miami” for example.
- Slug: insert the slug for your property city (optional)
- Parent Category: Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band.
- Description: The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.
- Which city has this area? Select the city for this area. You will select California if your property City is Los Angeles
- Image: Upload an image that represents this city
- Custom Link: Enter custom link for this City
- Click on Add New Area
real estate includes country, state, city, and area I also need to add the name project, how to do it?
How can we add one more varition in the Property Country, States, City, and Area?
In Portugal we need something like this...
Portugal (País/Country), Setúbal (Distrito/"State"), Almada (Concelho), Almada (Cidade/City), Freguesia de Cacilhas (Freguesia/"Area").
How can we do this?
Thank you.
I have a big list of cities and areas in Excel sheet
is there anyway we can import them at once instead of manually insertion ?
How to reorder or reverse city string?
Example: City, Sub-city to Sub-city, City
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